Monday, August 28, 2023



She hath such eyes.

She hath such eyes that I do despise,

Given my soul they see into and compromise,

Because how can I ever now turn away,

Captured, corralled, and held in hypnotic sway,

Oh..she hath such eyes that I do, do despise!

She hath such curves of hips and waist,

Curves that mesmerise, tease, I do so detest!

Softly stealing my glances, I can but weakly resist.

How I hate her fulsome, soft, red, red lips,

Tempting me so sinfully to desire to kiss,

My self-control pleads guilty to delinquent remiss,

Oh..she hath such eyes that I do, do , do despise!

But it is her vampish nature that I do most curse,

For the animal within me is given rein fit to burst,

And drive on in wanton, reckless, rushing disaster,

To turn a man into such a poetic fool ever after…

Penning sweet verses to appease her mocking laughter..

Oh, she hath such eyes..such eyes that I could never, ever despise. . .

     She hath such eyes. She hath such eyes that I do despise, Given my soul they see into and compromise, Because how can I ever ...