A stinker of a day in the middle of winter…rain, rain, rain…from the
moment I started out on the delivery run to Swan Reach and beyond till I
came toward home. One of those steady, drenching rains that every
farmer dreams about and every delivery driver hates!…Standing with the
sack-truck at the door of a house that forgot or didn’t know you were
coming that day..rain trickling down your collar, wet package, wet
delivery docket..unsigned..and a long way home….love it…good luck to you
Coming down Sedan Hill in that foggy rain was a tricky thing, all
those twists and turns, but once on the flats, it was usually plain
sailing. But this day it was all squinty-eye and flapping
I was on the straight stretch coming toward Sedan…The window had
fogged up a tad and I was wiping it with my hanky…was coming near the
edge of town, there by Ziedel’s bridge when I saw a woman there at the
bridge..she was leaning over the rail looking into the creek-bed…
“That’s weird” I thought…out in the pouring rain…I pulled up on the road and wound the window down..
“You right?” I called out…She turned to me, and for all the world she looked far from alright..she looked terrified.
“My child!”..she called back “ I have lost my boy”…and she turned
once again to lean over the rail to look into the creek-bed. I thought
it somewhat strange as there was no water in the creek..it takes one
hell of a storm to bring water this far from the hills in those
dry-weather creeks on the flats.
“Perhaps he’s hiding under the bridge?” I thought to assist..”And he doesn’t want to be found”.
The woman..aged about in her mid-twenties, attractive, with a full
head of the most flaming red hair, just turned her terrified face to me
and cried again in the same plaintive voice..
“My child!…I have lost my boy”….
“Just a minute, miss…I’ll pull over off the road and come give you a
hand…” I drove off the highway and parked the van…But when I got out to
assist the woman, not a willing participant for someone of my portly
bulk I apologise not!.. I couldn’t see her..I couldn’t see anyone in
that driving rain. I looked around..I walked to the bridge…but there was
no-one there…not a soul.
“Hello!” I called…”Are you there?”…no answer..I was a tad flummoxed
as to what to do..How did she just walk away?…I admit it was a heavy
drenching rain that made even staring wide-eyed difficult, but how could
I have missed her?..What more could I do?…actually, there was nothing I
could do, now soaked as I was except get back in the van and drive
I did my round of deliveries and by the time I drove off the Swan
Reach ferry heading back home, I was really pissed off!…my shirt was
still clammy on my back against the driver’s seat…my hair still waxy and
lank over my forehead…I wasn’t a cheery soul and when Sedan Hotel came
in sight, it was with little hesitation that I pulled in for a quick
shot of a warming fluid.
“Make it a double, China” I instructed the barman “ The old furnace
needs a tad firing up”. He poured me a generous double of the old,
crinkly-bottle of Beenleigh Rum with a wry smile. The atmosphere in the
bar was sombre and dark…the day outside let little light through the
windows and the electric light threw a dull illumination onto the bar
“Been out in the weather?” he motioned to my wet clothes as he rang
up the till. I put the glass on the bar-mat and gave a shiver of
“Been out on the road, you mean”…I replied…”this” and I plucked the
damp shirt off my chest ” is the fault of one of your local ladies”…I
took another slug of that hotel’s wonderful libation.
“ And what lady would that be?” the barman heaved his chest in a silent laugh.
“ Redhead…out in the rain”..I now sipped the rum..” down at the
bridge there just out of town” I continued to fatten out the situation…”
out in the bloody pouring rain looking for her kid”…I sneered.
There was a marked silence now in the bar, and several of the other
male patrons suddenly looked to me…I felt I was being doubted..
“What?…what?…” I opened my hands at them questioningly..” How do you
think I got so wet?…you think I was kicking a footy down the road for
fun or something?..” I gulped the remainder of my drink and turned to
“Hold on..” the barman said “ A redhead?…at Ziedels bridge?” the barman quizzed me.
“I don’t know who’s bridge it is…but yes..a redhead..just there at
the bridge as you come into town from the Barossa..a redhead, in the
pouring rain….” They all just stared at me..” There at the bridge,
calling out that she had lost her child…no!..hang on …her son!…that’s
it…her son!” …You could’a heard a pin drop.
“ .’My child…I’ve lost my boy!’ she called” I looked one to the other of the staring eyes. The barman broke the silence..
“Did she look like this woman?” and the barman placed a small, framed
photograph on the bar in front of me….and there she was, sure as I saw
her just a couple of hours ago…a beautiful young woman with the most
wonderful locks of flaming red hair…THAT, I couldn’t miss…there was name
under the portrait..I read it out quietly..
“ Cherry Holmstrom”…I read..” Cherry?…it sounds like a fruit rather
than a name…but yes that’s her alright.” I tapped the photo…”why..is she
related to you or something?”
The barman placed the photo back into an enclave above the counter.
“Her name really was “Cherie”…but with that red hair and her sweet
looks, she got called “Cherry”..as a kind of affectionate name by the
local men.” The barman finished with a sad turning of his head.
“Was? “ I asked “What do you mean; WAS?…has something happened to her
since this morning?” I asked with I must admit an unbelieving chuckle
on my lips…But you could have knocked me over with a feather when he
“She’s been dead at least sixty years now.” And he stared dead-pan at me. “sixty years ago today as a matter of fact”.
“Riiiight” I said quietly, looking from one of those locals to
another in turn..”Now it’s my turn to ask some questions..but first you
better get me another of that drink I just had.” And I reached for my
The barman waved my proffered note away…
“This one’s on the house” and he placed a big, fat tumbler of
‘Crinkly ’ in front of me. He then leant toward me in a confiding
manner..one arm on the bar and he spoke softly..
“Cherry was a local girl..you know..” and he gave me an exaggerated
wink “ You see these other blokes here..?” I counted them out…there were
six of them..an even half dozen. “ They all went out with her at one
time or the other…on different days..but around the same time..and
though they knew that Cherry was seeing other chaps, they didn’t let on
to each other…You see, Cherry was one hell of a good looker and those
sorts are a scarcity out in this part of the world…Oh there are any
number of good, solid women, but Cherry…well..she was something
I had been looking at those other old men there as the barman spoke,
and I could see they all had eyes that looked as if they had been
weeping…strange..I would have on any other day put it down to the dust
in the air..except today it was this drenching rain.
“ So all these blokes here were once the boyfriend of this Cherry?”
“Yes” . the barman answered.
“And they never confronted her or each other about the situation?” I asked.
“No…because, you see..they all loved her and they didn’t want to lose
her…so when one said he was going to see his girl that night, though
the other knew who it was and would ask..: “and is that Cherry?” the one
would answer ..: “No..It’s her sister” and the other would nod in
recognition of the denial…and so they all got to continue to go out with
Cherry..and she was happy to accommodate them..each in his turn…and she
would arrange to meet up with them at the “seven cross roads”
junction…about a mile out on the east side of town. That’s how it
eventually got to be named “The Seven Sisters” junction, because they
all at one time or the other admitted to going out with “the
sister”….you see.”
“But tell me,” I leaned in closer “Why are their eyes all red like that?…it looks like they have been crying…?”
The barman looked to the men for what seemed a long time..then he turned to me..
“That’s probably because they have been weeping for the loss of her this last sixty years”.
I thought he was having me on..and I giggled a tad..but he looked dead-pan.
“Kevin!” the barman called to one of the men “You went ‘walking’ with Cherry, didn’t you?”
“Too right”. The man called Kevin answered “But not to the end of the
road..” and his eyes looked like they watered up a little at the
thought. The barman went on to me with a soft tone..
“ That’s because she chose another one of them and married him…she
then became pregnant..like she was waiting for the right time..”
“But hang on”…I countered “ I actually SAW that woman there at the
bridge this morning “I called to her and she replied that
bit..about..about losing her child..her boy….I KNOW what I saw!” I
insisted…then I settled..” I know what I heard!”.
“Yes…she lost her child with a miscarriage on the night of the storm.”
The barman decided he’d settle it…he called to one of the weeping men..
“Jack, mind the bar for a bit , will you?” and to me he whispered “C’mon…show me just where you saw the woman…”
I finished the drink and we went to my van…The barman introduced
himself as Frank and we shook hands on it…The rain was still bucketing
down like it was never going to ease up..
On the way to the bridge, Frank told me of that night’s events sixty years ago..
“ A wild, wild night with one of the worse storms in the
district…much like this one..the rains in the hills being much heavier,
sent a wall of storm water down the usually dry creek beds and Ziedel’s
Bridge was washed away…the blokes from the town..those fellows you saw
back there in the bar were all there at the bridge getting ready to set
up road blocks against any traffic..But then they looked into the
driving rain up the road..They could see a motorcycle’s light coming
from the opposite side of the bridge down the road out of the driving
“Who’s the fool riding out in this rain?” Clarrie yelled..and then
they realised when they heard the familiar note of the exhaust of
Cherry’s “BSA Bantam” motorcycle..
“It’s Cherry!” one of the men cried “for God’s sake warn her about
the bridge!” and they all ran toward her down the road, waving their
arms..but whether it was the driving rain or the whipped up sleet, she
didn’t see their warning and they watched helpless as she plunged onto
the washed out bridge and into the raging torrent. All the men rushed to
the bridge to rescue her..
They did eventually get her out, but she was pinned under her
motorbike and the washed down debris for quite some time, so that she
almost drowned. And when they finally got her onto the road, there was
blood everywhere running from her lower body..They thought at first that
she was injured from the accident, but it was a miscarriage she was
having..she was losing her baby..for she was heavily pregnant at the
Cherie looked down at the blood in horror, for she immediately knew what was happening..
“My child!…I’ve lost my boy!” she cried…and she kept crying over and over that she had lost her boy..
The men tried to comfort her, but she wouldn’t be and she tore from
their arms and with a mighty effort, ran toward the bridge calling out
..:’I’ve lost my boy!…I’ve lost my child in the waters!” and she flung
herself into the muddy, murky torrent…and this time the men couldn’t
find her…and she drowned there along with her lost child… though in
reality, she couldn’t have known then that it was a boy..though it did
turn out to be that when they retrieved the body later…”
We had arrived at the bridge and I stopped the van and pulled on the handbrake..
“Well, she must have been one hell of a woman to keep six blokes on
the hop at the one time”…I snorted…”Here, Frank..put this cap on..it’s
pissing down and you might as well keep that head dry.” And I handed
Frank a cap..” I got this hoodie” I said.
Frank was about to step out of the cabin ..he paused and then said..:
“Seven…there were seven men..There was the one she married and whose child died along with her that night.”
I was a little taken aback by his words..
“So who was the seventh?” I asked…Frank was already out of the van and he answered just before he closed the door..
“He was the biggest fool of them all, for it was he sent her out in that
storm to go to the hotel to get him a flagon of wine…It was ME!…Me, the
biggest fool of them all”. And Frank looked to me and he was weeping
even more that those other six men back at the hotel..he then slammed
the door shut.
I jumped out of the van, paused and did my hoodie jacket up and went
to meet Frank at the back of the van..And I tell you as true as I stand
here before you..he was gone!..There was no-one there, and what was just
a few hours ago a dry creek-bed was now a raging torrent..and the
rain..the rain..
“Frank!….Frank!” I called..but there was no answer…then I saw that
cap I had given him swirling in an eddy near the edge of the bridge…I
sincerely believed he had lost his mind and jumped into the wild waters…
I panicked..I looked about wildly for a quick time then I remembered
the others there at the hotel and I jumped back into the van and spun
those wheels in my rush to get back to the pub to get help..I parked the
van in the street, not even worrying about it. I rushed through the
door into that bar expecting to see those half dozen dour fellows
quietly sitting there…instead, I saw colour, light and a mixture of men
and women laughing and drinking.. a juke-box in the corner was playing a
loud song…
I must have looked a sight standing there soaking wet, wild-eyed and
in a state of shock, for the barmaid and several patrons looked at me
with raised eyebrows..
“Hell man! ..” the barmaid exclaimed “have YOU been sweatin’!” and
they all laughed and laughed…and indeed, they had every right to, for
when I looked to the windows, all I could see was sunshine..no rain..no
wild afternoon..just laughter and sunshine…
I did a complete, slow three-sixty turn around of the room and just
stared and stared while I tried to work out what I was seeing…Realising
that there was something weirdly strange going on, I made some lame
excuse saying I fell in the river while working my boat and quickly made
my escape. I drove from that place with my mind very troubled and
confused..but I drove and drove away like a man hunted…and even now,
even if you doubt what I have just told you, I say it is as true as the
day I was born…..
I swear it!