The Agony & The Ecstasy.
A couplet of poems.
Part two : The Ecstasy.

A new love.
Faith!…hold true, sweet Aphrodite,
For what you have brought to me.
The raptured joy of new love,
A celebration of joined ecstasy.
But this woman is so precious,
With eyes deep, dark, mysterious,
As black, black pearls from the depths,
Of the deepest of the Euxine Sea!
Her lips a red voluptuousness,
Would kiss the life from me!
Reborn me then with her body lush.
In a rush of pure, heightened ecstasy.
The erotic..Eros..has taken me,
To a place of concealed beauty,
That place where unfeigned lovers go,
Each other to other embracing,
Without shame, without fear, all aglow.
Her long hair falling just right,
Covering those curves of pure delight,
Impertinent in desire to see thee
Naked in sensual erotica, forgive me,
A man who has bask’d his eyes,
Upon vision splendid and desires more,
More of thou decorated bodily delights,
To drink thirstily your well of sweet water,
To banquet gluttonously of thou’s womanly body.
To see such peachy cheeks shining into my eyes,
A full moon in clear skies..took my breath away,
I kiss it..I kiss it!….fair maid I swoon I must say.
I am but a man who hungers the absolution,
Of thy woman’s erotic, sexual blessings.
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