Sunday, September 11, 2022


A Compendium of a Wog’s Moggs.

By Giuseppe Carli.

I have had many cats,

I have had a few doggies too,

The cats I have to say,

Are more soft and cuddly, aye,


Though dogs DO have their charms,

They can be quite twitchy in one’s arms,

And’ll admit this too,

They do do larger doggy-doos!


My name is “Mimi”,

And this is my security box.

It sits next to my cat-bird seat,

It’s where I make my plots,

To raid my servant’s pantry.

And if they leave roast to cool,

After have their tea,

I may steal a little cut or two,

To take back to this box of mine,

To gobble down in security.

The grey tabby.

The Black Cat

May look smart,

But it’s got no evidence

On me.

And until they perfect

Paw prints,

I’ll sit here looking sweet

And “innocent”…

Signed: The Grey Tabby.

Cat on the kitchen bench alas.

Cat on the kitchen bench alas,

Licking its paw,

Looking quite flash…

Now where that chicken piece,

I left to defrost…..?

Cat on the kitchen bench....alas..

Patting Giuseppe.

I have to pat him carefully,

Or he oft’ squeals in pain,

Casts me off his person,

So all that patting was in vain,

Then I’ll have to climb up,

Once more to his shoulder,

And start pat, patting him,

All over and over again!

The world outside.

I don’t like the world outside,

It’s full of wild, wild things,

I’m sure from which I’ll hide.


I don’t like the world outside,

It’s cold and cruel and mean,

Whereas inside, there’s soft mats,

Lots of cuddles and pats,

But above all…

It’s so nice, warm and clean.

Through the open door.

I would like to wander once more,

For sure I could be a hunter,

And stalk the wild, ferocious boars,

That I’m certain live out there,

Through the open door.

But then again,

Perhaps I’ll think on it,

Leave it go for another day,

For I do believe I just heard,

In my servant’s calling words,

That the roast dinner now,

Was just about to be served!

The cat likes to nap.

I have a cat,

It likes to nap.

And when it naps,

It likes to nap,

Upon my lap.

And as far as she’s concerned…

That’s that!

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