Passages to a Dark Lady….fifth part.

How severe laughing mockery does come,
In equal part to that sweet flattery given,
When once a lover fresh to a lover’s flesh,
Would worship the pleasures to a lover done.
How severe the critic’s envy edged tone,
The laughing, pointing, cynical drones,
Who never, never sought love’s sweet home.
I seek no redemption nor crude condescension,
For what I did purposely invite,
Was not the game I played my every right,
To every man or woman seeks fancy flight,
To that wonderful world of erotic height ,
Sight, sound, fury of sexual dreams at night,
‘Twould leave one’s heart in breathless delight .
Such are lowly ambitions of so many men,
That they would scorn contact familiarity,
With what is granted in such sensuous beauty,
By which we call Mother Nature by any name,
Truly a reward of tremendous, high bounty,
For no simpler outlay than honest compliment,
Have warm desirable beauty of a woman lent.
What poor cut of man would not lay pride,
Would not purposely lay his manhood aside,
As trophy to the feet of a woman’s grace,
Should she grant him choice of place,
And let this woman be the one whose love,
Would grace his table with banquet fair,
And sing his praise in songs of a loving air.
Every man with lived knowledge harbours,
The courting of favour to a woman he favours,
Demands the doing so with fearlessness,
For the female of the species..ANY specie,
Is a being most unforgiving and ferocious,
So court her from a wrong angle, make blunder,
Is to risk wretchedness of a heart torn asunder.
But that is the risk such pleasure brings,
For there is no pleasure greater for man,
Than riotous joys of womanly tidings.
Such sensuous delights and eroticism,
Is worthy the treasures of any kingdom,
And the caress of a favoured concubine,
Be greater than riches of Croesus or Midas combined.
“Somewhere between the soul and the divine,
Between that love you seek and the love you find,
Is a place of absolute beauty, there confined.”
I sought that place of beauty concealed there,
And indeed, I touched it so gentle sometime,
But it, I could not keep hold in my arms,
Could not contain such wild desire with naive charms.
Be bold young man and not allow be scold,
By any number of finishing school frauds,
Castrati eunuchs playing their role of tools,
To harridans bent on re-writing gender rules,
Yours the choice, young man, yours the voice,
Let no lost soul’s fiction, rewrite your diction,
Look to yourself and make do with best intention.
Disregard outrage t‘would demand we conform,
To crazed zealots that would take control,
And bend the genders to a shape awry all,
Take to a dark, lonely place isolating each from each,
Deny to women their beauty – to men that admiration,
Capture emotion, sensuality to sterile debate,
Blindly drag mutual desire into that lonely heartbreak.
From mutual affection, Focusing on conflicts,
An absurd denial of an unstoppable impetus,
That draws a man toward a woman, creating connection,
Physical, emotional, spiritual, matched in honest intention,
More knowing dedication to each other than any other relationship,
In natural kingdom on this Earth, toward adoration, journey of delight,
For in truth; “A house without a woman is but a lantern without light.”
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