Passages to a Dark Lady….fourth part.

The heart is a lonely hunter indeed,
So let no man declare his love an ease,
Lest such love be impure and base,
And all tender touch and talk made waste.
Let flattery and accolades be laid at thy feet,
I have no such volume of false aesthete,
But to thee there is none my serenades cannot beat.
Even in rejection, to me you do inspire,
My love, now you have thrown me over,
Never to answer my letters no more,
You won’t talk to me on the telephone,
Nor acknowledge my knock on your door.
No longer welcome in your arms, I see,
Preferring your haberdashery, To the dashing me!
When playing with fire, we expect to get burnt,
When drinking much wine, we expect to get drunk,
So when seeking the longed for ecstasy of love,
Can we least..expect some heartache,
Is not oppose it the equal of suppose it?
So let ecstasy of heart-love equal pain of heartbreak,
And consider the bill of fare paid to the centre stake.
A part of me is as a petulant child,
Another part to be a creature wild,
There also within lives a demanding man,
A hungry man, that loving man..sensitive too,
Perhaps deep in my body also an angry man,
All these I have openly revealed to you,
To be me, at one time or another, what else can I do ?
The only way I would’st communicate,
Is with a vocabulary weak on convention,
No voice inflection or body mood to translate,
So many, are my misconstrued intentions,
Sentences run over each other post to post,
And the eye-signal that tells one at least to desist,
Is not there…my mistakes too many to mention.
Neither mean intention nor insidious, as a fact,
I try to reveal the true self of myself so that,
I’ll never squabble with thee…
I don’t believe you think me so cruel,
To be those things you accuse in harshness,
Kind word and support does help it’s true,
If not materially, then at least as a light in darkness.
Is each of us an idea of what we wish to be,
Face, body, wealthy King,
Gold crown with sparkling jewel’d ring…?
In the end I am but I..MY jewel of mine own eye.
I too have come a long way,
From innocent young man with a mile-wide smile,
Rowing a boat, through life’s many trials.
Goodnight .. I go now to my ‘quiet room’,
Where I let my thoughts wander, to think of things,
‘Shoes, ships, sealing-wax..cabbages and kings’,
I have my “kip room”, quiet…thick limestone walls,
One small window, so dark it enthrals,
I lay in that dark, let my mind think what fulfils,
Think up stories, poems..reflect on the day, tranquil.
In each of us perhaps there is that twist,
That in the end will come to this,
A friend is someone you can trust,
Where even a lover will behave remiss,
No matter the culture, the mother, the art,
Each to each, Heart to heart.
Remain thou to me; contradiction and mystery.
I laugh..‘tis a lover’s laugh, love’s smile lifts my heart,
When I weep, ‘tis with a lover’s tears,
My love hath gone and my heart grows drear,
When I lay at night, ‘tis a lover’s thoughts,
That I think of my lover and my love flows clear,
A rippling stream o’er flowering fields steeped in snow,
These thoughts I think .. I think my lover knows.
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