Passages to a Dark Lady.

Prelude: friends, you readers too,
Come bask in my story told so true,
My journey to the heart’s desire,
A lesson forged through touching fire..
Come sit with me and without fail,
In comfort here and I will aspire,
To tell sweet fortune of love’s travail…
Though thou has vanished from mine eyes,
Like yesterday’s blue from Summer skies,
I can find no reason for to say goodbye,
Even tho’ my heart be shaken.
Even if my words to thee spoken,
Be valued so little, such fastidiousness broken,
Worthless now as a financier’s token.
So journey with us down memory’d lane,
Down dark passages we’ll roam again,
Speak us richly the arriving here,
The joy, the laughter .. moments drear.
Let paint the canvas with colours bright,
Weave a tapestry of pure delight before ….
Passing into this long goodnight.
Was a summer day breathed on my cheek,
Her touch of affection calling, sweet ..
As soft as a rose petal gently falling ..
Silent, tender, and so very, very deep.
Whilst her eyes did suggest a wicked desire,
Burning into my psyche a white-hot fire,
Beguiling, bewitching her commanding attire.
Softly she spoke my given name,
In a syrup’d voice of a Siren’s song..
“Yosef”she said..t’was but Calypso's whisper,
As sweet to my ears as a lover’s tongue,
Inviting me to dream strange dreams alone,
In darkened hollows, over wild, wild seas,
To vision splendid places only a lover sees.
And like two lovers on a frolic dance,
At times I led with a stallion’s prance,
And then I’d follow in wanton trust,
Giving myself, my heart, in besotted trance,
So let us weave in rich hued blend,
Tapestry thread fateful lovers held,
Together weft’d, together fell’d.
‘Twas an evening blanched of pure light,
I first show’d how my vanity did write,
My words I’d spoken on a page,
My word!..but it was a foolish sage,
Inspired me to speak that erotic piece,
Wrapped in verbose tender-speak,
In this, a cynical day and age so bleak.
Was tale of a man and of his loved wife,
Departed she since this wretch’d life,
And of another who became his lover,
In loneliness both did find each other,
Over mutual thoughts, over dinner,
The beguiling twist of life’s fine art,
Bequeathed each to each a new start.
“Tell me”She said and I listened bold,
“Does thou know of what lies behind the shroud,
Where men’s thoughts are worn less proud,
And dark desires cried aloud?”
She paused to straighten her garter there,
And with a ‘snap’ sharp on her underwear,
Held my eyes with coquettish stare.
“My thighs have many men embraced,
My hips have also their hands encased….”
My word, my word!..if could ever I such beauty taste,
“Woman”, I cried “thou have a splendid caste,
Enough to make a man breathless gasp,
Enough to make my pulse miss a beat,
Enough to lay one’s heart to waste.”
She before me lay in her scant attire,
Such beauty splendid I did so desire,
And she turned showing to me soft rear,
Breathless me .. to see such a peachy derriere .
There basked in that afternoon sunlight,
Those curves of Venus, oh soft, soft delight,
Swooned me fair away .. did that sacred sight.
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