Such elegant beauty.

True beauty cannot age in this painting held,
Of such delight even after one hundred and fifty years.
Let other men ogle and froth over a film star queen,
I have you, my absolute delight, to finger-tip touch on the screen.
Though your person be long gone into the corruption of the grave,
I hold faith to this image perfect, so perfect, of my fair maid.
I cannot for the life of me remember what vision splendid be,
Better for the tone of ivory touched skin, nor delight imagined within
Such a splendid volume of gown with all the grace thou hath worn.
Fortune itself preserves down time via the artists brush or poem,
To deliver gently to me such beauty when thyself is so long gone.
Timeless is the natural purity of a vision splendid from Nefertiti,
Herself a cause célèbre before even the wiliness of Cleopatra,
With her beauty did stupefy both Antony and the great Caesar,
So did a natural gift granted in excessive splendour lead her,
As with any woman graced of perfect curvaceous body armour,
To take as given and earned gifts of a legion of besotted admirers,
Thrown carelessly at her feet along with volumes of flattery,
Would drown in an ocean of adjectives the nine lives of a cat,
But in the end, there is but herself, undisputed beauty,
Fixed in a silent, stilled, forever young loveliness..and that is that.
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